Sorry for the long post...

I got a phone call from his school, 5 missed calls in 7 minutes and one message. I freaked. I checked my answering machine and all I hear is my son saying "mommy please call me back as soon as you can", click.

I call the school and the receptionist has no idea, I don't know she says, he's not in the office. I said, maybe the clinic? He did not sound well...So she puts me on hold and someone else picks up. 

"Oh, he was hit in his privates earlier in the day and we thought he was fine, but as the day went on he was having trouble walking..." So I asked to speak to him and she said since they could not reach me that she sent him back to class, the missed calls were 7 minutes prior. Since it was literally 10 minutes until dismissal I told her just have him get on the bus to his after school program and I would get him from there.

When I picked him up from his after school program, he told me what happened. They were sitting in the hall before school waiting for the teachers to open their doors, having a regular conversation with a girl who is in the class next door when all of the sudden she reaches out and grabs and yanks his testicles, lets go and then punches him right in the same spot. I asked him what he did and he said he ran to the bathroom, he cried, and then when the bell rang he went and informed his teacher as to what happened. 

The little girl denied it, and the teacher told him since it was his word against hers, she would not believe him unless he had proof. Luckily for him, there were witnesses and they vouched for him. I checked out his testicles and they did not look swollen, but he is walking funny and they are a bit bruised. I called his doctor and was told if the pain was severe to go to the ER, otherwise just keep him iced and give him Advil. 

I emailed his teacher and the dean asking for a meeting to discuss all the issues. If the roles were reversed, I'm pretty sure that my son would be suspended at least and I don't think that the girl would have to "prove" anything to the teacher. I'm beyond frustrated and angry with the school, I should have gotten a call that morning when it happened, not later in the day when he was in so much pain he couldn't walk normally and then not even an official phone call... 

He is out today, missing class because he is still walking funny and in pain. I will be meeting with the school officials, although I'm not sure when.

I guess I'm just wondering if I'm overreacting here? I feel that it's a complete double standard that if a boy did this to a girl, it would be a huge deal and when it happens the other way around it's just brushed off...

TL;DR My son was grabbed and punched in the testicles in the school, and I didn't even get a phone call until he could barely walk later in the day.