Have you ever wanted more?

I find myself yearning for than just the usual "I love you." Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost a year, but I'm the type of person that when I commit to someone, that's it. I'm 100% loyal to that person. I see me and my boyfriend getting married one day. The thing is, I could pour my heart out to him, explaining to him how much he really means to me, how much I need him.. And I never get that in return. I notice the little things about him, but I feel like that stuff isn't important to him. Anytime he send me a message saying more than I love you, it's always the same thing. "I love you, can't wait to be your husband one day, you mean the world to me." I kind of feel like he just says it to shut me up sometimes. Idk. Maybe I'm just in my feelings, I even feel bad for wanting a little more.