I gotta pee! Tmi for some

Nicholle • I suffer from a progesterone deficiency, just found out I could never carry a child without it. Ttc 4 years, 3 failed rounds of clomid. Currently taking femara & progesterone. Ttc #1.
So I'm on 200mg of progesterone meds.. I have to put them in vaginally, they're little pink pills.. so once in the am and one at night. No big deal, except I have to pee. I work 2nd shift so I put it in right before my shower in hopes it'll dissolve quicker, but I always pee right before I leave. Ugh, clinching my vajayjay for as long as I can! I even stand on my head to get it in. Haha, just had to vent. I have one friend & she's on vacay! I have no one to talk to. Except my hubby, but well, yea he's my hubby, he hears it all the time.. baby dust to all! 🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌🌌 I'm currently in my tww, trying for baby #1, 6 years, 1st full try at taking progesterone..