Should I be mad at my obgyn office?

I had my first ultrasound with my obgyn at 9 weeks and when I met with my ob afterwards she said the technician had noticed extra fluid on the back of the neck which could indicate Down syndrome and referred me to a specialist for 3 weeks later. Well of course this was devastating news to my so and I, or rather we were very very worried and stressed out after hearing the news and during the awful 3 week waiting period. 
So yesterday was my appointment at 12 weeks and afterwards the genetic counselor calls me in and says "first of all, you and your baby are fine. There are no signs of anything." Then proceeded to explain how she had been on the phone with my office asking if they had made a typo because they wrote down a nuchal fold of 13 cm. I would think any ultrasound tech or anyone with an idea of measurements would know that is like 10x bigger than the baby at that point and impossible! Well despite the obgyn offices reassurance, it was a typo and was actually measure at 1.3mm, WELL within the normal range. The counselor told me she was furious with my office to have put me through the worry and stress for something so obviously inaccurate, especially when no one should have been measuring for anything at 9 weeks since you can't even start looking at that until 11 weeks. 
Would you be upset ?