My son has arrived!

I remember being so depressed & sad b/c I wasn't dilating & I was scheduled to be induced thinking it was going to result in a c section. I remember complaining about the excruciating pelvic pain & finally complaining about having contractions for 4 days straight but they kept fading & never increased in number or intensity. I was going insane & was quite miserable. Then on Saturday April 2nd I decided I was going to be active until that Wednesday that was my scheduled inductiin so I could try to get dilating going. I went to the laundromat & did tons of laundry by myself with my 2yo. Came home put up all the laundry for me my daughter my husband & stepson. I cleaned the living room & dining room then after that I went for a walk around my apartment complex. Came home ate got in the bed. I woke up the next morning (Sunday) feeling sore but I kept pushing myself. My family went to ihop for breakfast then I wanted to go to the mall or park to walk & let the kids play. After that we dropped my stepson off at his mom then went to Walmart to grocery shop to get that out of the way before induction. That night we went to bed late around 11pm. Woke up around 2am to sharper contractions than what I'd been having the last couple days. Woke my husband up for work at 2:35am then he left & around 6am my contractions got stronger & were like 5 mins apart.. I kinda ignored it b/c I'd been having contractions for 4  days & no progress I was tired of going to L&D to get turned around. It got really intense by 7/8am I went in & I was in so much pain & it took them an hour just to let me know I was getting admitted so I had contractions every 5 mins for an hour. The pain was way worse than when I had my daughter. Got admitted & the RN was taking forever to read all the papers & stuff & all I wanted was for her to send my blood to the lab so I could get epidural  ASAP. Another nurse came in & took over b/c that one wasn't moving fast enough. I started throwing up, crying, screaming from the amount of pain, & having a panic attack. They rushed everything to get me the epidural. They said I was at 2cm but the way my contractions were I knew I'd moved along. I got checked I was at 4 then at 6 then at 8 then 9 then 10. My husband made it just in time for the delivery he came when I was 9 cm. after waiting for about an hour for the baby head to come down I pushed 3 or 4 times & he was out. Ezekiel Josiah Blanc Jr 7lbs 5 1/2 oz. born at 4:24pm. On 4/4/16 (perfect square😊😊)