
Curious for your input. I have been dating my bf for almost two years and for whatever reason I just don't trust him. We met 5 months after my ex cheated (we weren't together that long and didn't love him but still not a fun experience). And 1 month after my parents got divorced and my father (really step dad but have known him my whole life) decided he didn't want us in his life. So I have abandonment issues but try to be self aware about what I am feeling and why i feel it. For whatever reason he just seems so hard to read. Not emotional, very surface level, won't share passwords or passcode and is weird with his phone. Rarely checks screen in front of me. With that said in the beginning of our relationship I asked a lot of questions about the different girls he was talking to. All of those were nothing but I never dated a guy that was always talking to different girls- as networking. Literally his LinkedIn messaging is all girls. I hate how insecure I sound and it's so not how I usually am but I am wondering how you ladies feel about this. Are you comfortable not knowing your mans passcode? And are you comfortable with him talking to girls you don't know about? How do you just blindly trust someone and not be afraid of being hurt.