True love ❤️😍 REALLY LONG

So I just want to tell you guys a little about how I found my true love, I know many will be like "true love isn't a thing" blah blah blah..well his is how it ALL started. 
So I had a Facebook, and one day I seen a guy doing a tbh or something , don't quote me. So it was inboxed to me.. And then me and him talk and talked for hours that night. We talked on the phone forever. And it was SO cute how he didn't want to hang up. So we would always have "you hang up first" fights 😭😍😍 but one night as I was picking my step dad up from work I was on the phone with him and he said we needed to hangout. So sooner or later we made plans.. So I STILL remember what it was like that day we finally met. He came over just as I was getting out the shower. I opened the back door with nothing but a towel on. And waved. So he and his mother came in and I was getting dressed. I came out the room to look at him. He was wearing a gamecocks bucket hat , tan shorts , and a plad dress shirt. And a pair of tennis shoes. Oh my goodness 😂😂 he was the most adorable thing ever. And to top it off HE HAS DEMPLES. major yea. So me and him went over to his place.. And yes I know this part will sound BAD, but yes .. Sex on the first day. But to be completely honest it was worth it. But long story short, I was working down town Charleston .. And he took 3 busses and a long walk to be able to see me. My mom got me and them we found him and we came to my house .. And that night he asked me if I could be his girlfriend, at first I said I don't know just to see his reaction 😂😂 then I said yes. He was THE HAPPIEST MAN EVER. but since June 29, 2015 we have been stronger than ever and happy In love. He is my everything. 
Rant over 😂😂