Statutory rape?


So here's the deal, my nephew is 16 and has a little girlfriend who's 15. They have been together about a year and I guess are sexually active like a lot of kids their age. My half sister, his mom, got herself and him in hot water last week because the girls mom found out she was letting them have sex at her house. So now the girls mom is calling statutory rape cus her kid is under the consenting age and pressing some kind of charges on my sister for helping him do that in her house.


So my sister told me she did this to be safe. She knew they were having sex somewhere and was just trying to give them a safe place to do it where she knew they would be using protection. That doesn't so bad to me but she didn't tell the girls mom this and wasn't going to because she knew the other mom wouldn't let them and she knew they were going to have sex like it or not so doing it this way made sure they weren't doing it behind a dumpster or whatever.


I'm going to mind my own business but I dun no how I feel about this. I get that she wants them to be safe but she really should have gotten the kids mom on board before this. What do you think should happen? Feel free to speak your mind, personally I think she didn't think this out enough and almost think she deserves to be in trouble. My nephew idk, he's a sweet kid and I 101% believe he isn't actually raping her.

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