I'm most likely overreacting..


My fiance and I got into an argument literally over nothing, but because of his mood swings, (I'm 14+5 weeks pregnant and he's moodier than I am, pretty sure he's bipolar but he's stubborn and won't see a dr) it turned from a regular argument where we usually can make up afterwards to him taking the ring back, barely speaking to me and sleeping in separate beds. I love him more than anything and can't sleep without him next to me and he always claimed he couldn't sleep without me either. But he's in bed passed out, has been for the last 3 hours, while I'm bawling my eyes out because I'm so upset. I realize it could just be the pregnancy hormones, but I'm so upset and hurt that he's able to brush this off like it's nothing and go right to sleep when I'm so hurt from the argument. Am I overreacting? Sorry this is so long, and may not make much sense to some, it's late and I'm exhausted from crying. I struggled to find the best way to explain. I just needed to get it all out because it's really hard to talk to him when he's in one of his moods and I don't have a lot of friends. :(

UPDATE: He woke up like nothing was wrong and now we're fine I guess? I don't know but he's acting normal, so I'm just going to go with it. Thanks for the advice, ladies. I really appreciate it.