
I got off my period the 27th and I'd been on an antibacterial from the 28th-3rd. My boyfriend and I used condoms almost every time during that time, twice was the pull out method (which has never failed us before). I was also on an antibacterial last month on the 1st and we didn't have sex until the 11th. I'm on the pill and sometimes don't take it on time, but it's never been a serious issue before. Both times I was on the antibacterial I got a yeast infection. And I still have the second one. 
Here's the actual problem: my tender breasts never went away after my last period and neither did my mood swings, these things always go away either during my actual period or the day it stops. Also I went to the bathroom earlier and I was spotting. Went and got a pregnancy test but it was negative... What the hell is going on? Is it too early to tell or is there something scarier than a baby going on down there?