Accidental Anal!!!

So my boyfriend and I were having pretty fast sex and he slipped in the backdoor. I'm not sure if it was just once or he thrust more times, it was really fast. But when it registered with me and the pain started, we immediately stopped. I felt like puking and omg it hurt sooooooooo bad. I went to the bathroom and I was bleeding a little and it was so so tender. I cleaned very cautiously and just put Vaseline all over and went to bed. This was Saturday niiiiggght like very late. It's now Tuesday night and the pain is considerably gone but sometimes when I wipe, I'm pretty sure I can still see traces of blood and it's still kind of tender. 
I was just wondering how long until I'm basically back to how I was before this all happened? :/
EDIT: Also, how long until I can have sex again? I know it might be right after because they're different holes but I want to know when it's like advised to so that the anus is healed ASAP.