Today is my birthday but......

Janelle • Baby #2 on the way, April 24, 2018
So today is my 26th birthday and I'm 18 weeks pregnant. I couldn't be more happier but there is one problem my fiance doesn't make it seem like it's important to him that it's my birthday. He woke up with a bad attitude and left going to work with it. My allergies are so bad right now and he said that I have an attitude which I don't. I'm pregnant with allergies on my fucking birthday. Give me a break. I woke up crying and I cried yesterday. When it comes to birthdays he doesn't make me feel special. My mom made me feel like I was queen of the house on all my birthdays cause she cared. I didn't even ask to much of her and she goes all out for me. She buys me balloons and a couple gifts and takes me out to dinner. That's what I like. My fiance on the other hand doesn't do any of that for me. This is the second year he has made me feel like my birthday doesn't matter. It makes me sad that I'm not special to him.