Husband upset with low sex drive

I'm 18 weeks pregnant with our second baby. I just have a very low sex drive with this pregnancy. My husband would have sex every night if I let him.
He gets upset if I don't want to, whether I feel too tired or sick or just plain don't want to. If HE brings it up during the day, by the end of the day before I go to bed he'll tell me that I led him on making him think we were going to do it.
Today I was showing him my tattoo on my thigh because I thought it had faded and a little while ago he told me I promised that we would have sex later. I asked when, and he said when I teased him with my leg. WTF! I never promised anything. He had made a comment about me showing my leg and how it puts HIM in the mood. I never said anything. 
I'm so frustrated. No means no. Just leave me the eff alone.