Late period - helppppp

Okay heres the story, please don't judge.
my periods are kind of regular for a few months and then it changes and then starts to regulate and then changes again and so on. So my period cycle changes all the time. Ranges from a 26 day cycle to a 32 day cycle. I'm 16 and i was having sex with my boyfriend a few weeks ago (we were safe), howeverrr he took the condom off and I said no because i was on my fertile (judging by this app but im still not sure if I actually was on my fertile as my cycle changes so much) but we still started to have sex without protection and then some common sense hit me and i was like nah nah lets stop. So we did. He didn't cum or anything, however there probably was pre cum. My period is now 3 days late. I'm freaking out. He said he went to the toilet before we started stuff so that should've eliminated all the other sperm right? could I actually be pregnant from the precum? i read that pre cum doesnt actually contain sperm, and that it just carries sperm along from previous ejaculation. idk ay someone help me and give advice please :((( Either way my mum will find out on monday as i've got a dermatologist appointment and he checks my blood test results which I had taken two days ago, and that will show if i'm pregnant or not