Depression while ttc

My depression has gotten the best of me over the years, but I never thought it could get this bad. Tbh. Things are great in my relationship, and work a job I very much enjoy. I'll be in school in May, and I'm happy with how life is. Ttc is what brings me down to nothing. It gets the best of me. Those long nights where I can't help but feel insecure, and have extreme amounts of depression. I see so many woman get pregnant that don't even deserve to have a child, and before you judge me for saying that. Stop yourself, and just don't. I'm speaking of people I personally know, and they have sex With multiple men, get pregnant, get the children taken away, because they can't put the drugs down, and stop drinking, and running around being a hoe. I'm 21 years old, and I've done my fair share of bad, but I'm so ready to become a mother. I don't smoke, I occasionally will have a drink. I work, go to school, and will be getting my own home soon. I did have one, but got evicted so currently with boyfriends family. Wishin a month, and a half we should be in our own place. We have two dogs, a Guinea pig, and two betas. We are happy. We tried clomid for a couple months, and it did not work for me. Instead, it gave me cysts on both ovaries, and has stopped my period from coming. I am a week late, and not pregnant. I know people say stop trying, and it will happen, but I have tried that, and it does not work for us. I myself cannot fully stop trying. Even when I wasn't charting I still caught myself trying to spot symptom after symptom. I hope, and pray this month off clomid is our month. Waiting on my opk, and pregnancy tests I bought off amazon, and I have fr digital opk kit. Praying this will be it! Ladies that struggle as much as me. Our time will come soon.