Positive ovulation test 10 dpo. What does it mean??

Got a positive ovulation test this morning, about 4-5 days before AF. What does it mean? Could ovulation tests be used as pregnancy tests?
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I thought the same last month. 12 dpo and got a positive lh but started af 2 days later so no I don't think a positive lh is a good indication. On a preg test is reliable. Sorry


Jo • Apr 10, 2016
only a preg test*


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You get a surge right before af.


LeggoMyPreggo • Apr 10, 2016
My comment said you get an LH surge right before af = explanation for positive ovulation test right before af.


LeggoMyPreggo • Apr 10, 2016
And that's not even what my comment said?


Jasmine • Apr 10, 2016
I don't think you can use that as a pregnancy test


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Your body produces LH throughout your cycle so no a positive ovulation test doesn't imply you'd get a positive hpt


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They can be but usually after u would get a very dark hpt. At 10 dpo you wouldn't normally get a dark opk. Take a hpt