Ovarian Cyst

So I'll try to keep this one shortish.
Hospital found a cyst on my left ovary in August '15 (1.8cm on a 7cm ovary). Everyone kept telling me they are common and they usually go away in a couple weeks to a couple months... Well mine never did.
I was in hospital countless times due to excessive pain from it, every time the hospital would give me panadol and send me home.
A month and a bit ago I experienced really severe pain from it to the point I couldn't move or breath properly, once again ended up at the hospital, took them 2 hours to even give me Panadol, i waited for 4 hours and no one seen me even though I was still in pain so I ended up going home and going to my doctor the next day.
I had an ultrasound done and it turned out that my Cyst grew to the size of my ovary (so 7cm) and burst and was bleeding out into the ovary and all I got told was if I experience anymore pain to go up to the hospital and "someone should have found it earlier." I was ment to go to a follow up ultrasound but my doctor didn't give me a referral.
So my real question is will this effect my fertility in the future? I don't wanna be put in a position where I can't have kids because the hospital couldn't do their job.. Thanks 😊