33wks 5days

So today we had an ultrasound and baby girl is estimated to be almost 5 pounds. She is also completely dropped to where doctor felt her head when he checked me and I'm soft and effacing but no dilation.. In the ultrasound her butt is in my ribs like literally, she had to push up under my rib cage just to see exactly how she is positioned. Her face is pushed into my left hip so we didn't get to see much of her face.. I've been losing mucus and having really bad upset stomach.. I feel like she is going to fall out and the pain I am getting from Braxton hicks is starting to strengthen.. And yes they are Braxton hicks because they aren't really timeable.. I'm so miserable but I want her to stay in a while longer. I haven't even had a shower yet!! 
I guess I just want some advice,besides bed rest, on what I could do to keep things from progressing?... I have a 26lb baby that I am constantly chasing and picking up plus I work 15 hours a week between Thursday & Sunday depending on when and how long they need me(it's a Subway).. I just don't want to have this baby before at least 35/36 weeks..