Why are you stuck in my head?? Get out!!

I haven't talk to you in a week. I try to be denial about the fact how I feel about you or miss you. Lord knows I'd never give in and tell you. You don't really care for me because you wouldn't have left and keep returning. If your gonna stay then stay. I hate that you hint one day we'll be together your just holding me on a string ,but why don't I let go? Why when I wake up you're always on my mind and before I go to bed same or I keep having dreams with you in them. I hate the fact that I woke up and thought I heard your voice or when I think of happiness its me laid right beside you on your chest holding your hand. Why do you choose to keep me around and don't want me now?? Why do you keep coming back when I try to erase the very thoughts of you from my head. I had a dream I was standing next to you my arm linked to yours and another said she was in love with you and my arm let go. Another one when you came to my house to tell me you were engaged with someone else. Why do you do this to me?? When I let go you keep coming back. If I try to start something with someone else I feel like I'm cheating. I gave up relationships to be with you and you continue to try to save me for later or never. I hate that my heart says go but my feet won't move. A intellectual individual but a fool to something perceived to be what it isn't. You wouldn't intentionally hurt me if you cared. The saddest part I can't hate you.