Good Vibes, prayers needed for that BFP

What torture the TWW is, it's such agony. I can test on Thursday April 14th. Which just happens to be my third wedding anniversary. I don't want to be disappointed. I want the positive so badly. I feel like there are signs that it will be positive. I'm exhausted, I have the bladder of a toddler or an 80 year old woman. I feel like I can cry over anything (started bawling when I found out we are getting our backyard sodded, wtf it's just grass). I've had odd cramping for the last 2 weeks. But today it's been a little worse. Now for some TMI I also have diarrhea. (Which I've read can be a sign towards the positive.) Now my boobs are starting to get even more sensitive. But could that mean that AF is on the way? Sadly, Yes it could. My fingers are crossed and my prayers are endless; please, oh please let there be a positive at the end of my week!