No such thing as perfect 😒😒πŸ˜₯

Tiffani β€’ A'dyn is my first baby and i will love him for a life time πŸ˜†πŸ˜
So my baby is only 5 days old . Me and my baby father have been together for 3 years . Live together for 2 . We stay with my mom just on the fact of saving money and she wants me to stay home . Im 20 years old . She just told my boyfriend he had to leave by the end of the week like why wait til the baby is here and everything is perfect to tell him he has to leave . We love in california r n been here for a year have no relatives no friends no nothing its not like he has anywhere to go but back home to vegas . But she is ruining his relationship with his son i dont care bout us we can always talk but he should be able to be there with his baby boy watch him grow . Its so hard to come up with a down payment on a house in three days like wtfccck its stupid ive been crying for the pass two days and cherishing the moments of daddy and son its so ridiculous i jusst needed to vent thanks for reading . Any advice is great also 😒😒