Okay i started my period February 17 and it ended around March 11 (honestly thats shorter than usual lol) but its normal cause i have menorrhagia and it causes me to have heavy long periods and usually a irregular cycle. Any ways that was just some background info.. I had unprotected sex on the 24th of March (a little over two weeks ago) and my period still hasn't come. The only symptoms I've have are changes in food likings and I've had lots of milky white cum/discharge (the first time I saw a lot of it was when my boyfriend fingered me) and my nose has been stuffy (maybe allergy's?) I was throwing up a little about a week ago but i wasn't sick. Do you think im pregnant my boyfriend said he didn't cum in me but when he was pulling out I felt almost like a water gun of warm liquid shoot on my vagina (tmi sorry) Sorry for the essay but I need advice. Should I test or wait longer I can't tell my parents cause I'm 14 (I don't need an online mom I know the risks of having sex)