RAWR! They are making me CRAZY

My step kids have taken a drastic turn to BAD grades and getting in trouble at school. Their biological mother seems to be using meth again, to add to her cancer, hiv, and enlarged heart. My own mother is trying to guilt my 17 year old into never coming home (she lives very close, but STILL) My mother in law NEEDS TO BE COMMITED, but everytime I take her to the er she FAKES that she isn't crazy and gets right out. The woman only eats ice cream and mayo, refuses to bathe, lives in filth and doesn't take her psych meds properly or leave the trailer for months at a time!!! Then my sweet, lovely husband seems slightly in denial of it all and is BARELY helping out at home (yes he does work 40+hours a week) I just can't deal with it all!!!! Plus, I have to have hernia surgery in May and am terrified. I have extreme anxiety and PTSD and my meds just aren't helping right now!!!! I'm just so FRUSTRATED. I wish I had friends to rant to, but I don't, so please forgive me for posting here. Delete if necessary.

Edit- My answering machine is FULL of my mother-in-law having 15 minute conversations with no one, and it happens regularly! I don't know who to make listen to them 😞 Her doctors are not helpful.