Starting to see his true colors

Let me start of by saying in 27 weeks pregnant and live a hour away from my family. I live with my boyfriend in the town where him and his family grew up. When i first moved down here it was fun, i was happy and excited to be somewhere new. I had a great job he had a great job it was perfect. Wel the place at which i was working got shut down, leaving me unemployed, a few weeks later we found out i was pregnant and he decided i would be a stay at home mom until she got old enough for me go go to college.

I agreed, it was perfect for me. Spend time with my baby, watch her grow be there every step of the way then get my career. Awesome. Flash foward a few months later we got our own place to live at, we pay our own bills, everything's going great or so i thought.

Over the next few months things just start going out of control, he loses his job, gets another than loses it, same with a vehicle, gets one then trades it for something else, we get behind on our bills and rent. We owe so much money to bills, and rent that wete about 600 dollars behind. He makes good in checks when he works but he blows it on crap before he pays the bills and buys what needs to be bought. He had a large amount of cash to pay everything off with but he bought a car with it and now is about to trade that car.

He always says wait until my next check and this will get paid.

He doeent keep a job for more than a few weeks, doeent get a vehicle in which our daughters carseat can fit into, we dont have anything prepared for her, not even a crib!!!

I never see my family because he never has the gas money to drive me down there and they wont come up here to see me bc his family is disrespectful. i sont have any friends here bc everyone is young and drinks and parties and i dont want to be around that pregnant. All his family does is put both of us down, tell me how yo raise my daughter (ive already raided two girls that didnt even belong to me so i know how to take care of a child) and they all beg for money.

I try to support and motivate him but i feel like im just walking in circles of my own ticking time bomb.

I dont know what to do anymore.

HE makes me happy just not his actions.

Ive tried explaing this to him, talking to him and nothing changes.

Deat Lord help me get through all of this because honestly im lost.

I try not to be that girl who just degrades her relationship but i dont have anyone else to talk to .

Any advice? Any one been in a similiar situation?