Non stop period 🔫

This is really getting on my tits now !! The implant I got in feburary 19th this year sent my period whack. And then my doctor gave me mini pill aswell as the implant cause she said it'd help/stop the bleeding. I've been on these pills nearly two weeks now and this bullsh*t. I seriously am getting so fed up I can't leave my house because my periods are so heavy aswell😩! The side effects I'm having are so bad too. The implant caused me to have bad periods , migraines everyday , shooting pains in my arm where the implant is and hot flashes and I'm feeling so depressed and my anxiety is sky high yet my doctor wouldn't take it out ( this was after 8 weeks of having it In) I'm getting really annoyed and sad tbh , my boyfriend don't know how to cope with me either and it's making me feel so bad cause it's not his fault and he's trying his hardest :( don't I have a right to get the implant  taken out ?Â