What should I do 😔

Ari ✨
So I went from having 3.33 freshmen year to a 3.1 this year. Dealing with my grades last year was already a horrible experience and now I feel worst. Like I'm not getting into any college for computer science or anything technology with that gpa. I really want a 3.5 or a 3.6 or even higher but I feel likes it not possible. To make matters worst 4th quarter is about to start in a few days so the school year will be over soon and I'm freaking out about it and next year. If I don't get good grades ( no D's) then I can't take drivers training this summer 😕😭 I feel like poopy. I don't know what to do. I just know I'm way too smart to be failing tests and having the gpa I have now.Â