Conflicted... Please provide your thoughts

I'm 41 and single .! I haven't met my "prince charming" so to speak and get married yet. I've always wanted to get married and start a family but it hasn't happened for me yet. My greatest desire in life is to bear and have my own child and be a mother. That's my greatest desire over anything else. I have a good job and a lot of friends and a huge family. I  recently was open to sperm donation and be a single mother by choice. I thought to myself if I don't do this now it may never happen. I will always live with that regret we only have one life.   I recently did the pre - <a href="">IUI</a> work up and  everything was great. The doctor stated he didn't see a reason why I wouldn't successfully have children.  Knowing that I feel like  i have to try to know.!i was at the decision and sure if what I wanted to do a currently making the steps toward
<a href="">IUI</a> . I work hard but sometimes finances get tight. I work full time. I prayed about my desire for children and that I would work hard to make it work and have faith and trust him. Today, in talking to a relative she put a lot of doubt in my ear about finances being tight daycare et. And it will only get worse with a child. Asked if I was sure I was ready. Of coarse I look at the issues and possible hiccups in the road but I said as long as I work and provide love shelter food and other necessary things with faith and trust I will be ok. I'm due to start my next week. Now I am so conflicted. She fit in my head with doubt. Anyone else consider single mother by choice.? You can make it work? Have faith and love and the desire. I'm suppose to start in a week or two and know I'm conflicted. I don't wanna live with the regret of never going after my heart and not having child. Any thoughts? Same situation? Opinions, please!!!