OMG!! I can't believe he did this!!!

So this is baby #4 for me. My husband called me today while he was at work and informed me that he sent his mother a $300 check (we are on her cellphone plan) and along with the check he also added a note saying "oh btw kayt is pregnant"! He sent it out first before calling me. I am so pissed. First of all she is like the evil MIL and when we told her we were pregnant with #3 she went crazy. I am only 8 weeks and I didn't want to mention it to her until I was further along. I am just taken aback that he would do that without talking to me first, he knows how I feel about her. I just really don't want to deal with her and her bull crap. The only good thing about this is she lives 4 states away, 12hr drive so I know she can't just come over whenever but still! Grrrrr.