Idk what to feel anymore.

This Sunday my husband and I turn a year married. Ever since we got married things were up and down. Argument after argument either my husband or myself would always tell one another that we are getting divorced or leaving each other. But we both never meant it because we knew we were speaking out of anger. Today my husband told me that he thinks we are not going to work out because the way we started and how our marriage is going. Yesterday me and him were just fine till today he just randomly told me that he thinks it's best to go our separate ways because the past is still on his mind and that he can't get over what happen in the beginning of our marriage. There is a possibility I can be pregnant. (Waiting to go to the doctor) and as I was asked him what are we going to do then? And he said I can't tell you right now until you find out if your pregnant or not and then we can talk and see what my decision is. And I told him so basically your telling me if I'm pregnant you will stay but if I'm not we are getting a divorce? And he said that he will tell me soon. I don't know what to do?