Do you believe in shio/zodiac compatibility?

brittany • 19 yr old vegan bi
So I dated these 2 different guys (not at the same time though), they were born on November 5th 1995 and I was born on July 22nd 1998. Their shio was pig and mine was tiger. Their zodiac sign was scorpio and mine was cancer. Their appearances were pretty similar; tall, skinny, and dark-skinned. They both seem so mature and wise at first. When we were dating, they were so sweet and romantic. But after like a month (they both literally do it exactly just a month) they told me that they were "too tired to handle me" because at first I look like an "innocent girl" but after they know me further, they think I'm not like what they expected. Do you think these cases have something to do with their shio/zodiac sign? And if you're "expert" at this, why do you think they like "innocent girls"? Do they just like them because they're girls of their "criteria"? Or they have "evil minds" and want to "manipulate" them?

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