In need of advice...please read.

Me and my husband recently started trying for a baby, for a long time it's all I've wanted but we had to wait a few years to get financially settled etc. It's been 4 months now and so far no baby (I realize it can take a long time) anyway last Saturday was the last negative test, and I don't know if it's getting to me or if this is my real feelings but I've started to think maybe I don't want a baby. I adore my husband and I want to spend all my time with him doing things that we like to do and I'm not sure I want to share him. I don't know why this has happened when for so long I've dreamed and wished for a baby, and I know my husband is excited to have one too. Anyway I see a lot on here people saying their partners aren't excited/interactive with their pregnancies or newborns, I'm wondering if it's the case for women sometimes too? Like maybe I'm just going through that sort of thing? I am going to talk to my husband about it but I would really love a woman's perspective too. 
EDIT- my husband is older than I am and if we were to have children it would have to be now, I know people can have children older but that isn't really what we want. Thank you for responding! <3