Please help me! I'm TTC!

Hello 👋🏾 well, me & my boyfriend have been trying to have a little one for about 3-4 months but have been getting bpfs every time. However, last cycle, I just KNEW I was pregnant. My body was feeling different than ever before, my discharge was different, I was so sure. But my period arrived. It wasn't as heavy as normal, but still lasted the full week. I've been having back pain & still kind of been feeling like somethings just not right. Like I still could be pregnant even though my period has come. I asked some women if they experienced periods during thier pregnancies & some of them didn't, some did for a couple months in the beginning, & one said she had periods her whole pregnancy! So, my question is: Anyone have periods during thier pregnancy? Or have any advice for me? We really wanna do this.