Help! Do I need a dentist or is it my sinuses?

So Monday night I slept really well for the first time in weeks because my Dr. Said I could take Unisom. The next morning I woke up with my jaw clinched really hard and knew it was from sleeping so hard. That afternoon I started getting a sudden tooth ache. A few minutes later it moved to a different tooth. As the evening progressed my jaw was sore. All day Wednesday and today I have 2 or 3 upper teeth that hurt and the hinge of my jaw, down my ear and around that side of my head hurt. Did I get abbad cavity that quick, or could it just be sinus pressure? I don't feel that congested but know I have more mucus than normal. I don't want to go to the dentist and get x-rays if I don't HAVE to because I know they're not safe for baby... But OUCH