HELP Spotting and cramping???

A week after my period i got pains as if i was getting my period &' i spotted a real little bit for like maybe a hour or 2 only as i wiped it didn't get on my panty liner or pantys... It's a light pink or light orangish color... It happended again shortly after &' also again today &' my period isn't due till 6days... April 20th Anyone else experiencing this or has experienced this &' know what it culd be???? I am trying to concieve but not thinking about it as much because I don't wanna get my hopes up so its kinda if it happens it does if not it doesn't... Me &' my fiancé aren't trying but aren't preventing either... I just wanna make sure there is nothing wrong with me that i need to be concerned about this is the 1st time this ever happened to me... Please help...