Husband not helping.

I feel so depressed and just completely unimportant. My husband acts like he doesn't care about me anymore. I'm still in so much pain from my c-section, and he just acts like my pain is a burden on him because he has to do things. He gets so frustrated with me over nothing, when all I do is try to help him the best I can. The other night I even packed him his lunch for work even though I was walking around the kitchen in severe pain. I had to change my pad when I was done so I asked if he could change the babies diaper and he literally goes "I got the last one". I was leaking out of my damn pad.

I don't know. I just feel like he doesn't love me anymore and my body just looks so disgusting, he probably hates having to look at me. I don't know how to handle this. I'm recovering from surgery, and yet he can't even get up to help me find something to eat, or change a diaper or feed our baby without acting incapable. I'm so sad, I don't want to lose him.