Hard pill to swallow... (sorry this is long)


Just so everyone's on the same page... My water broke at 32weeks, I am currently in the hospital doing all I can to keep him in until 34weeks, I am currently 33w5d. Last Monday (4/4) he weighed 3lbs 11oz, which the doctor said he was small for his gestational age, 10%. We are looking to induce next Friday (4/22/16) and baby will be 34w5d when delivered.

This morning the doctor came in and practically crushed all hope I had for my little guy coming home before spending at least 2 weeks in the NICU. She said she has never seen any baby come home before a 2 week stay, usually they tend to stay 3 weeks or longer.

I am a bible believing, God fearing woman of faith and I have seen God move mountains and make ways where there seems to be no way. He has already done so many things that the doctors say shouldn't have been done. He got us past the first 48hrs after my water broke, he has turned my baby from breach, to transvers, to completely head down (without any amniotic fluid), he has kept me infection free, contraction free, and bleeding free for almost 2 weeks, he has lifted flu restrictions so I can see my other 2 children... And I know He can do more than I can even imagine...

My question is, how long has your baby's stay been in the NICU?

What were your baby's complications, if any?

And, how did you cope with coming home without your baby?