Daily Challenges!

Samantha • Married to my best friend 08.09.14. Evelyn Aline 03.22.16 and Claire Elise 10.10.18

Some March mommies may be ready to start working out again. So I want to know who would want to participate?

They would be small challenges for the next few weeks seeing as some mommies are only 2 weeks PP. For example, a 10 minute walk around the block, or 20 squats, or 10 pushups. They will be more challenging as the time goes on. Such as 40 squats and 20 lunges on each leg. And so on and so on. We would be able to keep each other accountable and lose that baby weight!

If I get enough replies to this post , I will create a thread everyday with a new challenge!

Are you in or are you out? We will start tomorrow for those that are in!

**You do not have to start tomorrow, but feel free to start when cleared!**