Twins! But complications.

Katie • Baby boy- April 2017
I'm 7w3d and went for my first US today.... We received amazing news, but maybe  bad news. It's twins! Shortly after leaving- my doctor just called once she received the images (she was in hospital delivering today) and said its a very high risk pregnancy. They share the same sack. I'm measuring early. She said its called mono-mono twins. She said its high risk for losing one and high risk for losing both. If that doesn't happen- there's a high risk of cord entanglement so I will more than likely be in bed rest starting at 24/26weeks and deliver at 32 weeks. 
 We are both scared and excited and a mess of emotions. 
I wasn't going to post, but so many women have been so supportive I felt like it might be helpful to share our news! ❤️ here's the two little beans so far! Both had blinking heartbeats so that's a great start!