Really worried


We just found out today we are having a girl. While most normal people would be thrilled just at having a baby at all, I am not. I have a girl of my own already. My fiance has a girl of his own. My daughter came at a low time and I truly feel god sent her to save me. She changed my life. Her father has never been there for her and its been me and her for 10 years. My fiance's daughter is a complete daddy's girl... A bit too much. She's 12 and is babied like crazy. I am worried for a number of reasons. 1) I am worried his daughter get jealous. She craves attention and hate when she is not the center of it. She is already not happy its a girl. 2) my daughter is everything to me. It hurts me to think there will now be three girls, two of which will be total daddy's girls, yet she never even knew what it was like to have one. It pains me to feel like she might be left out of this father daughter relationship.

I was so excited and hopeful that we might finally have a little boy that was our first, only and last child together.

I went from excited to having a baby, to not wanting it at all because its a girl. I hope I will get over this feeling but I don't know if I will. There are big reasons I do t want a girl and that scares me to think these are things I might not get over