15 weeks 3 days...& kidney stones.

Julie • 28. Army Wife. 2nd time mom. Little Prince 👶🏻 Emmett David born October 1, 2016. 💙 Pregnant with a baby girl. Due 10/17/17 💜
Idk if it's just me but, I feel HUGE!!! People keep asking me if I'm having twins...plus I'm REALLY bloated
This is my first pregnancy & I have had a lot of complications...Kidney stones, which I have never had before I became pregnant has sent me to the ER a few times & have had 2 surgeries so far. On the 29th I have to go in for my 3rd to remove my stent & pray there are no more stones for the rest of this pregnancy. 🙏🏼
My next ultrasound is on the 27th, & can't wait to see our little peanut! ❤️🍼