Feeling so alone...

Kasey • Lost my first angel - 8/22/18 10w
I don't post here often...
My husband, stepdaughter and I were driving in the car when I just got a message from my sister congratulating me on becoming an aunt again. I completely lost it. I cried like a little baby and am still crying laying in bed. I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong, but I just couldn't take it. My husband looked at me like I was crazy for randomly busting in tears and looked at my phone to see the message. He paused for a minute and the only thing he could say was "Why are you that upset about this?" All I could get out was "just leave me alone". My sister has a 9 year old from her previous marriage and is getting married again in 2 weeks. I have been trying to get pregnant now for 4 years with my husband but I feel like he doesn't understand because he already has a child from his previous relationship. I'm just feeling really alone and feeling like no one understands me... So I came here.