Periods / contraception

Alexandra • TTC 💑

Can someone please help me??

I had my mirena coil removed in mid February this year and I haven't had a proper period since then apart from a few light bleeds here and there but that was just after I got it removed so I thought it was because of it. Now we're almost in May and I still haven't had my period 😥 I've also been taking ovulation tests for the past month and it's always said I'm fertile but everytime I took a pregnancy test it's negative 😢 I haven't been to the doctors to talk about it yet because me and my partner really want to have a baby and I'd be really disappointed if I made the trip to the doctors just to find out I'm not pregnant 😔 I'm really stuck on what to do because most mornings for the past month and a bit, I've been feeling nauseous, dizzy and when I'm at work I start feeling sick, weak and extremely exhausted even if I've had a decent sleep which doesn't happen very often 😷

Please let me know what you think, would like to hear opinions and if any of you have been through it as well! 👼☺ xx