Bump or Bloat!? Help!

Hey, all! I am 10 weeks and 1 day pregnant with our first. I've noticed that I am definitely fuller around the middle. My hubby and mom don't seem to think so (maybe they are just being polite). In my head I definitely look pregnant (like 4 mo), which is fine with me, I can't wait to look pregnant!! But I don't want to look stupid and dress to show off bloating. I've gained six lbs so far, but 2 pant sizes. Size 20 to a size 24. Also, because I am overweight, in my mind it's just fat, but there's no way 6 pounds added 2 whole sizes. Last year I lost 40 pounds (yay!) and I lost 2 pant sizes. I'm just so confused. Is there any chance part of this is baby and not just weight gain and bloating?? I don't want to look ridiculous showing off a "bump" at 10 weeks. Help! :(