Soooo relieved!


Monday, my husband and I went for my 9-week-US and we were greeted by a substitution doctor - the most insensitive person I've ever met.

First, she said she couldn't see anything, poking here and there, then she said she was very sorry, but she couldn't find a heartbeat, the she said "Oopsie, sorry, there it is", then she lost it, measured something she found and said it had the size of a 5-6-week baby, insisting I should have cramps and bleeding - which I haven't had. Needless to say, we were confused and heartbroken (we saw the heartbeat!, even if just for a moment).

Today, I went in again to get an US to confirm the situation - and there was a perfect little bear, waving at me and being exactly the recommended size of the day!

I cannot tell you how happy and relieved I am - and just want to tell everyone out there who gets a confusing US - it could be the doctors fault. Just trust your guts and don't let you bring down by a bad and insensitive doctor (easier said than done, but it would have helped me so much the last days if I had read this words somewhere...)

Trust in yourself and your little baby!