Any reason to worry?

My whole pregnancy I have been measuring 2-3 weeks big. At 35 weeks I was measuring 37. I went back today, at 37 weeks and was measuring 34. Not even just 34 she said "barely 34" she actually measured 3 times and poked around and everything. I've also lost 8 lbs without changing any habits. At my 35 weeks apt I was "almost 1cm dilated and she was extremely far down" today I was still not even 1cm and she wasn't far down at all. I'm getting worried because with my first I went 39 weeks, got induced because I wasn't dilating, and was on the induction medicine for 3 days in the hospital and only made it to barely 4cm. They broke my water to speed things up and it did nothing. I had to have a c section. I really don't want another c section. They are scheduling me for another growth ultrasound early this coming week to make sure everything is ok. Her HR was in the 140s. I'm kinda freaking out. What would make me go from measuring 2-3 weeks ahead to measuring 3 weeks behind?