Hiding from crying baby

Let me start off by saying when she was first born and the first two weeks home she was great slept great latched great just a happy baby. The last three days though everything has turned. She is so restless when she sleeps. She latches and unlatches while feeding several times and throws herself around. She constantly needs to be held. And she's constantly screaming if she doesn't have a boob. As a single mom I'm exhausted and don't know how to calm her down. Diaper changes holding her constantly feeding her talking to her car rides stroller walks. All she does is scream. I hid in the shower yesterday when I finally had some help with her and balled my eyes out. I just don't know how to soothe her and I  find myself cursing her father all the time. I know he's coming after me in court for not putting his name on her birth cert and it makes me furious that he will never have to help her on these days and just get to enjoy her when she's happy. I'm just at a loss...