Sleepless in NC

Here's my day/night every day. I wake up in the morning and go to work. By 3 PM I'm so uncomfortable in my office chair I just want to punch someone in the face and I'm so tired I'm about to pass out on my keyboard. I then head out and pick up my 4 and 2 year old at daycare around 5:00. Go home, make dinner, bathtime, bedtime, put away laundry. Lay on the bed at 9 PM and pass out. Wake up around midnight, tossing and turning until 3 AM. Just when I fall asleep, husband starts snoring. Finally fall asleep around 4. 2 year old wakes up for no apparent reason around 5 but husband doesn't hear so now I'm awake again. Fall asleep by around 6 and awake again at 6:30. Ugh. I just want some sleep! After baby comes, I feel like I'll never sleep or rest again. Ok. Done feeling sorry for myself. Can anyone relate?