Abortion pill at 9 weeks 3 days

Okay so I'm 22 years old and my bad is 25 and we have been together for about 4 months. I have been peeing a lot, my boobs have been sore and I've been told by a few people that I look pregnant. So I took a test yesterday and I found out I was about 8 weeks pregnant. I haven't told my bf yet because he says that if we do get pregnant we are getting married and staying together forever regardless. I know that if I tell him he is going to want to keep it and get married. I'm still in college and I am not ready for that yet. I haven't told anyone yet in my family or friends. I just want to tell someone but am afraid of their responses. I have already scheduled an abortion (abortion pill) at a planned parenthood for next week. I plan to tell my bf I miscarried to explain why I was feeling how I was feeling after the fact. I'm terrified and wish I had someone to talk to. Please help!! Any opinions or experiences after taking the abortion pill. Was it worth it?
Thank you for your help!!