Pregnant and health declining

Someone please tell me what's going on. I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I have had a lot of medical attention. First I got shingles and took meds for that. Then I got a sinus infection. Took meds for that. Horrible heart burn that literally makes me choke on my vomit thru my mouth n nose at the same time. And jus this week. I got an eye infection in my left eye. I can't see. The sunlight hurts my eyes and I'm restricted from driving cuz I can't see. N now my skin is getting oersted with red patches! Like I have one on my left side of my nose. I'm jus 10 weeks. Why am I getting so sick?! And it's stressing me out because I can't do anything. Work. School. I can't even look after 2 yr old daughter because I can't see her. My fiancé gets me what I need but why is this happening???? Why am I getting so sick?! I've been to my dr. The eye dr. A skin dr. They keep sending me to diff ppl. I didn't go thru this with my daughter. It was pretty smooth. But this one has me soooo sickly. I don't kno what to do 😓😭 I'm so emotional. Please help me.