
Mary 👶🏻✨Fairy • Happily married 2 years, mommy to a 2 month old ❤️
I told you I would have a lot of questions :p lol 
I don't see my ob until next month 
I was just wondering a few things about labor & delivery 
when do you register at the hospital? A few weeks before delivery? 
Do I get to decide whether I want a c section or natural birth? 
Can you have a epidural any time during labor or just at the beginning? 
Did you have a birth plan? What exactly is supposed to be in there? Like let's say my Obgyn wasn't there to deliver my baby and I only wanted a female doctor to do it 
Would that go in my birth plan? 
I have placenta previa, do you think in most cases it really does go away on its own? 
What if I tear, how long does that take to heal? 
Sorry I hope none of those sound dumb I honestly don't know anything about labor ... I'm so nervous about all of this 😁
Thank you in advance ❤️